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If you're suffering from hearing impairment, you generally have a few options.
First, you can simply accept it as part of who you are and learn to live with the condition. Alternatively, you might choose to purchase a hearing aid (ideally from a licensed audiologist). Finally, you might choose a cochlear implant as a more permanent option.
If you're going with the first choice, more power to you. If, however, you're uncertain of whether you should go with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant, it may help to know the differences between the two. Because while they're both used to treat hearing impairment, that's more or less where the similarities end.
Risks and side effects include:
As you've likely surmised from the above, there's a good chance that a hearing aid is a better option for you. This is because they’re less expensive, easier to acquire, and carry fewer risks and side effects. That said, if your hearing loss is severe enough (or your cochlea is severely damaged), a cochlear implant may be your only option.
Ultimately, your best bet is to ask your audiologist for advice. They'll be able to diagnose the exact severity of your hearing loss and recommend the best treatment option from there.