However, PSAPs still differ from professional hearing aids in several key categories.
Hearing Aids vs. PSAPs
PSAPs don't require a hearing professional to prescribe and program them. While this may, on the surface, seem like it would save you time and money, it also means there's a certain degree of danger to purchasing one of these devices. Because you don't have the guidance of a professional audiologist, you may end up with a device that further damages your hearing.
Personal sound amplification products are only intended for mild hearing loss. If you're suffering from major hearing loss, or worse, a condition like tinnitus, an OTC hearing aid likely isn't going to do the trick. Even the best OTC hearing aids out there will not be able to match professional hearing aids that are tailored to an individual.
Personal sound amplification products lack selective amplification. Depending on how much you spend on your PSAP, you may end up with one that amplifies all sound in a given radius. Some modern PSAPs can limit and tweak your amplification, and come with a range of programmable settings.
PSAPs are a one size fits all. Professional hearing aids are specifically designed and fitted to your ear's unique shape. Not so with OTC hearing aids. They come in one of several basic sizes. If they don't fit your ears, then you are, unfortunately, out of luck.
Personal sound amplification products are feature-scarce. OTC hearing aids lack features that professional hearing aids have. Some places do carry over the counter rechargeable hearing aids from different brands. In contrast, modern professional hearing aids actually have a ton of cool features, including Bluetooth connectivity, configurable/programmable amplification, and easily-rechargeable batteries. By contrast, OTC hearing aids are basic and bog-standard, though they cost significantly less as a result.