Work On Your Nutrition

According to a study published in Ear and Hearingthe official journal of the American Auditory Society, there exists a known link between diet and the susceptibility to conditions like tinnitus, the sensitivity of the inner ear to noise, and age-related hearing loss. Per the study, a diet high in vitamin B12 reduced the odds of these conditional, whilst high intakes of fat, iron, and calcium had the opposite effect. Vitamin D also reduced hearing difficulties, as did a high intake of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. 

In other words, if you tend to overindulge in stuff like pizza, burgers, and other unhealthy meals, your hearing health (and your health in general) will suffer. If you focus on a balanced, healthy diet rich in natural foods and low in stuff like sodium and saturated fat, you will be in far better shape overall. And not just where your ears are concerned. 

Do Some Light Exercise

As noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exercise reduces the risk of a wide range of debilitating conditions, including both diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer. It's also been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and dementia. In addition, because it promotes better cardiovascular health, it can even help protect against age-related hearing loss.

Make sure you don't overdo it, though. You should start with 15 to 30 minutes of light exercise daily. Just enough to get your blood flowing and work up a bit of a sweat. 

You can always amp things up later, so as to reduce the risk of self-injury. 

Stay Away From Cigarettes

Even secondhand smoke can cause hearing loss, according to a study published by Web MD, an online health information network. Not only do cigarettes wreak havoc with your blood pressure and central nervous system, but the smoke can also create blockages in the eustachian tube. Any of these problems can cause hearing loss.


It seems like we never get enough sleep. Especially now, with all the stress of what's going on in the world around us. And that's a problem.

Not only does a lack of sleep cause significant issues with your mental health, but it can also cause a number of different problems related to your physical wellbeing, including increasing your risk of developing a wide range of illnesses and diseases. And yes, this includes hearing loss. 

Watch The Noise

As you might expect, loud noise tends to be one of the most significant causes of hearing impairment and hearing loss. Fortunately, protecting yourself against it isn't too difficult. Avoid listening to loud music via headphones for extended periods, and wear hearing protection in loud environments such as construction sites and nightclubs. 

Schedule Regular Hearing Tests

Last but certainly not least, talk to an audiologist. Especially as you get older, it's critical that you contact an audiologist and schedule a hearing test at least annually. Not only can this help you correct any ongoing issues with your hearing, but it can also help you catch potential causes of hearing impairment before they cause permanent damage.

Here's where Connect Hearing comes in. We provide personalized expert consultation, free evaluations, and tailored treatment recommendations based on your lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more.