An older man smiles before his hearing treatment at Connect Hearing.Then one day, the music stopped.

"I had a set of drums to my left side for many years," recalls Donn. "At least 20, maybe more. My left ear went bad on me first - I'm not sure if my career is what caused it, but it definitely had something to do with it. And when the left ear went, the right was sure to follow." 
Donn's situation is hardly unique. Per a study published in the U.S. National Library of medicine, professional musicians are up to four times likelier to suffer from noise-induced hearing loss and have a 57 percent higher rate of tinnitus than the general population. And according to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), there are multiple celebrity musicians currently struggling with their hearing, including Neil Young, Pete Townsend, Eric Clapton, Barbara Streisand, and Danny Elfman.
"Long periods of exposure to sounds exceeding 85 decibels, the equivalent of busy street traffic, is considered risky," notes the AARP. "The pain threshold is 125 decibels, [and] the average rock concert is 115 decibels. The permissible exposure time before damage occurs at that level is three minutes...sound systems in some arenas and stadiums can hit 140 decibels."
Hearing protection can help mitigate some of this damage, but many prefer to go in with their ears bare. Some aren't even aware that earplugs designed for musicians exist. And thus they play show after show, their hearing growing more damaged each time.

"Eventually, [my hearing loss] got to the point where my wife was having to repeat everything she said - I just couldn't hear her," Donn continues. "About four years ago, we'd both had enough. She'd gotten her hearing aids from Connect Hearing, so she convinced me to go there too."

Finding Paradise

An audiologist from Connect Hearing looks at a patients ear during a visit.Initially, we set Donn up with a pair of battery-operated hearing aids. Recently, however, we helped him upgrade to the new Phonak Audéo Paradise. The difference, says Donn, was immediately noticeable.

"The sound on my new hearing aids is much clearer," says Donn. "The level of volume is great as well, and it's easy to change it if I need to. My favorite feature, though, is that they're rechargeable." 
"It's really convenient that I don't have to put batteries in," he continues. "You won't get beeps in your ears about low battery or battery replacements, either. They do beep when they're low, but all it takes to charge them to full is a single night on the charger - put them on, go to bed, and they're fully charged by the next morning."

Built on the PRISM, Phonak's most powerful sound processing chip yet, the Paradise is available in several different models and colors to suit individual needs. Alongside sound quality, the Paradise's features include Bluetooth connectivity, dynamic noise cancellation, and a speech enhancer.
Most interesting, though, is its motion sensor technology. The Paradise is equipped with a sensor that detects whether the user is stationary or moving. The hearing aid then automatically adjusts itself, solving what is arguably one of the most common problems with hearing aids.

"Another thing I like about the Paradise is that it's semi-waterproof." Donn explains, "The hearing aids I had before would get water trapped in them whenever I sweat, then they'd go off and start ringing. I'd t have to take them out, take the batteries out, dry them, then put them back in my ears - it was a huge inconvenience, especially when I was out and about or in my car."

A Lifelong Connection

A patient undergoes a hearing test conducted at Connect Hearing."I've always loved the service at Connect Hearing," says Donn. "I've always liked going there. The people are always very nice, and remember us when we walk in - and they know what they're doing, too."

"When I first got my new hearing aids, I had a small problem with the size of the domes," he continues. "But I took it to the center and they fixed it right away. Nice and easy."

"I love that [my new hearing aids] are rechargeable! I'm not getting a lot of beeps for battery replacements, that's for sure." - Donn Adelman
"The fitting process was quick and easy too," he continues. "I always enjoy the service at Connect Hearing. I've always liked going there - they know what they're doing, and they always remember us when we walk in."

Whether Donn is watching TV, talking to his wife, or playing a jam session, his new hearing aids ensure he doesn't miss a thing. With crisp, natural sound, a powerful battery, and a range of great features they help Don maintain his hearing in any situation. More importantly, they help ensure that hearing loss doesn't mean losing out on the things he loves.

"If I had to rate [my hearing aids] on a scale of one to ten, they're a ten," exclaims Donn. "The sound is great, they're easy to use, and the fact that they're rechargeable is super convenient. I love them!"

Learn more about how Connect Hearing can help keep the music going in your life.