Most people suffering from mild to moderate hearing loss don't even realize they have it. And by the time their impairment is noticeable to them, it's too late to do much beyond pop in a hearing aid. That's the bad news.
The good news is that like many health conditions, hearing loss is easier to treat the earlier it's discovered. In some cases, an audiologist can even help you prevent the hearing loss from progressing any further. Not only that, as we've already indicated, hearing loss has a profound impact on the brain.
What we mean is that the longer you live with untreated hearing loss, the more difficulty your brain will have adjusting to treatment.
People who have hearing loss tend to struggle with social situations. For more severe cases, they may even have problems finding and retaining employment, and those that are employed may find it difficult to advance their career. By seeking treatment for possible hearing loss, you can go in the opposite direction.
You can help yourself be happier, healthier, more social, and more successful.