This Notice of Privacy Practices (“Notice”) describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Connect Hearing is part of the Sonova Audiological Care family (collectively, “AC US”, “we”, “our”, or “us”). At AC US, we strive to provide the best service to our patients. As partners in your health care, we are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your health information and to informing you of your rights regarding such information. This Notice describes our Privacy Practices, including how we may use and disclose health information for treatment, payment or health care operations and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law. It also describes your right to access and control your protected health information. Protected health information generally includes information that we create or receive that identifies you and relates to your past, present or future health status or care or the provision of or payment for that care. Any hearing care professional authorized to enter information into your record, as well as all employees, staff and other members of our workforce, will follow the terms of this Notice.
Please note, we reserve our right to change our Privacy Practices and the terms of this Notice in the future. As described at the end of this Notice, we will communicate any material change to our Notice and Privacy Practices.
Without an Authorization. We may use or disclose your health information without an authorization for the following purposes: For Treatment: We may use and/or disclose your protected health information, including hearing test findings, in order to ensure that you receive proper medical treatment. For example, we may share your protected health information with another physician or health care provider involved in your care. We may also contact you about treatment alternatives and options. AC US may keep your information electronically using electronic medical record systems and other databases related to patient care. In some cases, you may be asked to give permission to allow the sharing of your health information between hearing professionals. For Payment: We may use and/or disclose your protected health information to obtain payment for services that were provided to you. For example, we may share your protected health information with your health plan so it will pay us or reimburse you for your hearing care services. We may also contact your health plan about a treatment you may receive to determine whether your plan will pay part of the cost of your hearing care device. For Health Care Operations: We may use and/or disclose your information for operational purposes. “Health care operations” are activities that are necessary to run our offices, maintain licensure, and to make sure that our visitors receive quality information on services and products. For example, we may: