One Senior Place: 'Huh? What did you say?' Dealing with hearing loss

According to Florida Today people with hearing loss may find it hard to have conversations with friends and family. This article explains what hearing loss is and how to deal with it.

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Easy Ways To Protect Hearing Every Day

According to the Escalon Times people rely on headphones or ear buds to listen to music, stream movies or participate in work-related meetings more than ever before. But, having the volume too loud can cause hearing loss over time.

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A hearing care working looks inside the ear of their patient during a hearing exam.

45-Year-Old Man Developed Permanent Hearing Loss After Contracting COVID

Despite no previous hearing trouble, doctors confirmed that the man had permanently lost his hearing in his left ear. Hearing tests determined that it was not caused by inflammation, and one theory is that COVID-19 damaged the nerves in his ear.

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A hearing care working looks inside the ear of their patient during a hearing exam.